Compare commits


6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
David Anderson e5aabcbf4a vram/MemArbiter: remove unnecessary wires and fields
While iterating many redundant bits were added. This removes them again,
keeping just (I think) the minimum necessary for the arbitrators to work.
2024-09-08 15:13:47 -07:00
David Anderson 519eddc552 vram/MemArbiter: fix bug with write conflict avoidance
Now that all arbiter ports can request to write, arbitration must check
both (write, read) and (read, write) conflicts, not just (write, read).
2024-09-08 15:02:55 -07:00
David Anderson 191cd1bfa2 vram: document MemArbiter, fix round-robin ordering bug 2024-09-08 14:10:52 -07:00
David Anderson f31f64f5a2 vram: refactor MemArbiter into separate arbiters
Rather than hardcode one architecture for GARY, the arbiters
are now split and can be allocated per-port. The arbiter interface
includes plumbing so that one arbiter can propagate a write conflict
to another, so it can still implement multi-port arbitration as long
as every client is statically allocated to one port.
2024-09-08 13:26:25 -07:00
David Anderson 2760bad965 vram: move VRAM to VRAMCore, in prep for arbitrated VRAM 2024-09-08 09:28:28 -07:00
David Anderson 69b7ce7f9e vram: adjust the MemoryArbiterClient interface a little 2024-09-08 09:27:25 -07:00
5 changed files with 484 additions and 444 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import MemArbiter::*;
import Vector::*;
import DReg::*;
import DelayLine::*;
import Connectable::*;
typedef UInt#(2) Addr;
@ -22,70 +23,51 @@ endinterface
(* synthesize, clock_prefix="clk_25mhz", reset_prefix="rst_btn" *)
module mkTop(Top);
Vector#(2, Reg#(Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)))) wrin <- replicateM(mkDReg(tagged Invalid));
Vector#(4, Reg#(Maybe#(Addr))) rdin <- replicateM(mkDReg(tagged Invalid));
Vector#(6, Reg#(Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)))) wrin <- replicateM(mkDReg(tagged Invalid));
MemArbiter#(Addr) ret <- mkMemArbiter();
MemArbiter#(3, Addr) portA <- mkPriorityMemArbiter();
MemArbiter#(3, Addr) portB <- mkRoundRobinMemArbiter();
mkConnection(portA, portB);
let arbiters = append(portA.ports, portB.ports);
Reg#(Vector#(6, Bool)) ok <- mkReg(replicate(False));
rule req_cpu (wrin[0] matches tagged Valid .req);
rule req_debugger (wrin[1] matches tagged Valid .req);
rule req_palette (rdin[0] matches tagged Valid .addr);
rule req_tile1 (rdin[1] matches tagged Valid .addr);
rule req_tile2 (rdin[2] matches tagged Valid .addr);
rule req_sprite (rdin[3] matches tagged Valid .addr);
for (Integer i=0; i<6; i=i+1) begin
rule req (wrin[i] matches tagged Valid .req);
rule resp;
Vector#(6, Bool) r = newVector;
r[0] = ret.cpu.grant();
r[1] = ret.debugger.grant();
r[2] = ret.palette.grant();
r[3] = ret.tile1.grant();
r[4] = ret.tile2.grant();
r[5] = ret.sprite.grant();
ok <= r;
function Bool get(MemArbiterServer#(Addr) s);
return s.grant();
ok <= map(get, arbiters);
method Action cpu(Bool write, Addr addr);
wrin[0] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterWrite{write: write, addr: addr};
wrin[0] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: write, addr: addr};
method Action debugger(Bool write, Addr addr);
wrin[1] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterWrite{write: write, addr: addr};
wrin[1] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: write, addr: addr};
method Action palette(Addr addr);
rdin[0] <= tagged Valid addr;
wrin[2] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: False, addr: addr};
method Action tile1(Addr addr);
rdin[1] <= tagged Valid addr;
wrin[3] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: False, addr: addr};
method Action tile2(Addr addr);
rdin[2] <= tagged Valid addr;
wrin[4] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: False, addr: addr};
method Action sprite(Addr addr);
rdin[3] <= tagged Valid addr;
wrin[5] <= tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: False, addr: addr};
method Bit#(6) grants();

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
package Top;
import VRAM::*;
import VRAMCore::*;
import ECP5_RAM::*;
import TriState::*;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTop(VRAM);
let _ret <- mkVRAM(112);
module mkTop(VRAMCore);
let _ret <- mkVRAMCore(112);
return _ret;

View File

@ -3,30 +3,45 @@ package MemArbiter;
import Connectable::*;
import Vector::*;
export MemArbiterWrite(..);
export MemArbiterOp(..);
export MemArbiterServer(..);
export MemArbiterClient(..);
export MemArbiter(..);
export mkMemArbiter;
export MemArbiter(..), mkPriorityMemArbiter, mkRoundRobinMemArbiter;
// A MemArbiterServer receives requests for memory access and emits
// grants.
interface MemArbiterServer#(type request);
method Action request(request req);
// A MemArbiterOp is an operation that a client is seeking permission
// to perform.
typedef struct {
Bool write;
addr addr;
} MemArbiterOp#(type addr) deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
function Bool mem_ops_conflict(Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) a, Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) b)
if (a matches tagged Valid .ar &&& b matches tagged Valid .br &&& ar.addr == br.addr)
return ar.write || br.write;
return False;
// A MemArbiterServer receives requests and emits grants.
(* always_ready *)
interface MemArbiterServer#(type addr);
method Action request(MemArbiterOp#(addr) req);
method Bool grant();
// A MemArbiterClient emits requests for memory access and emits
// grants.
interface MemArbiterClient#(type request);
method request request();
// A MemArbiterClient emits requests and receives grants.
interface MemArbiterClient#(type addr);
method Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) request();
method Action grant();
instance Connectable#(MemArbiterClient#(req), MemArbiterServer#(req));
module mkConnection(MemArbiterClient#(req) client, MemArbiterServer#(req) server, Empty ifc);
rule send_request;
// Arbiter clients and servers can be connected in the obvious way.
instance Connectable#(MemArbiterClient#(addr), MemArbiterServer#(addr));
module mkConnection(MemArbiterClient#(addr) client, MemArbiterServer#(addr) server, Empty ifc);
rule send_request (client.request matches tagged Valid .req);
rule send_grant (server.grant());
@ -35,157 +50,173 @@ instance Connectable#(MemArbiterClient#(req), MemArbiterServer#(req));
typedef struct {
Bool write;
addr addr;
} MemArbiterWrite#(type addr) deriving (Bits, Eq);
// A MemArbiter manages concurrent access to a memory port.
interface MemArbiter#(numeric type num_clients, type addr);
// ports allow clients to request memory access.
interface Vector#(num_clients, MemArbiterServer#(addr)) ports;
// A MemArbiter manages concurrent access to memory ports.
interface MemArbiter#(type addr);
interface MemArbiterServer#(MemArbiterWrite#(addr)) cpu;
interface MemArbiterServer#(MemArbiterWrite#(addr)) debugger;
interface MemArbiterServer#(addr) palette;
interface MemArbiterServer#(addr) tile1;
interface MemArbiterServer#(addr) tile2;
interface MemArbiterServer#(addr) sprite;
// The following methods are to support arbiter chaining.
// Suppose you're arbitrating access to a dual-port
// memory. Typically, such a memory specifies that if one port is
// writing to an address, the other must not concurrently read or
// write that same address. This means the arbiters attached to
// each memory port must cooperate to avoid simultaneously granting
// conflicting requests from their clients.
// Calling conflict prevents the arbiter from granting a concurrent
// request that would result in a write-write, read-write or
// write-read conflict. granted_op emits the operation that the
// arbiter is granting, if any.
// MemArbiter intances are Connectable: mkConnection(a, b) gives
// conflict priority to a. That is, b only grants requests that
// don't conflict with a's grant.
(* always_ready *)
method Action conflict(MemArbiterOp#(addr) conflict);
method MemArbiterOp#(addr) granted_op();
// mkMemArbiter builds a GARY memory arbiter.
// Port A arbitrates with strict priority: CPU requests go first, then
// the debugger, then the palette DAC.
// Port B does round-robin arbitration, giving each client a fair
// share of memory access.
module mkMemArbiter(MemArbiter#(addr))
instance Connectable#(MemArbiter#(m, addr), MemArbiter#(n, addr));
module mkConnection(MemArbiter#(m, addr) a, MemArbiter#(n, addr) b, Empty ifc);
(* fire_when_enabled *)
rule forward_conflict;
// mkPriorityMemArbiter returns a MemArbiter that gives priority to
// lower numbered ports.
module mkPriorityMemArbiter(MemArbiter#(num_clients, addr))
provisos (Bits#(addr, _),
Alias#(write_req, MemArbiterWrite#(addr)));
Min#(num_clients, 1, 1));
// Port A users
Vector#(num_clients, RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr))) reqs <- replicateM(mkRWire());
Wire#(Vector#(num_clients, Bool)) grants <- mkBypassWire();
RWire#(write_req) cpu_req <- mkRWire();
RWire#(write_req) debugger_req <- mkRWire();
PulseWire palette_req <- mkPulseWire();
RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) conflict_in <- mkRWire();
RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) granted_op_out <- mkRWire();
PulseWire cpu_ok <- mkPulseWire();
PulseWire debugger_ok <- mkPulseWire();
PulseWire palette_ok <- mkPulseWire();
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule grant_requests;
Vector#(num_clients, Bool) grant = replicate(False);
Bool done = False;
// Address written to by port A, if any. Used to block port B
// clients that are trying to read the same address.
RWire#(addr) written_addr <- mkRWire();
// We could be fancy with rule conditions to express the priorities
// between clients, but Bluespec has the preempts annotation to
// express the ranking directly.
(* preempts = "grant_cpu, (grant_debugger, grant_palette)" *)
(* preempts = "grant_debugger, grant_palette" *)
(* fire_when_enabled *)
rule grant_cpu (cpu_req.wget matches tagged Valid .req);
if (req.write)
rule grant_debugger (debugger_req.wget matches tagged Valid .req);
if (req.write)
rule grant_palette (palette_req);
// Port B users
Vector#(3, RWire#(addr)) portB_req <- replicateM(mkRWire);
Wire#(Vector#(3, Bool)) portB_grant <- mkBypassWire();
Vector#(3, Bool) init = replicate(False); init[0] = True;
Reg#(Vector#(3, Bool)) priority_vec <- mkReg(init);
rule grant_portB;
Vector#(3, Bool) grants = replicate(False);
Bool port_available = False;
// This algorithm is a little mystifying at first glance, but it
// works. priority_vec has one bool per client, only one of
// which is True. That True bit identifies the client with the
// highest priority on the next request.
// This loop goes through each client twice, using
// port_available to track whether a client can grab the port or
// not. When we start iterating, the port is marked unavailable
// until we reach the top priority client, at which point we
// mark the port available and keep scanning. That effectively
// makes the search for a requesting client start at the top
// priority one.
// As we loop back around a second time, the availability bool
// gets reset again, but if you take the example of the True bit
// being in the middle of the vector, and consider cases where
// the first requestor is before/after that starting point,
// you'll see that it all works out, and at the end of the loop
// we have a new bit vector where only one client is True - the
// one whose request is granted.
for (Integer i = 0; i < 6; i=i+1) begin
Integer idx = i % 3;
if (priority_vec[idx])
port_available = True;
let req = portB_req[idx].wget();
if (port_available && isValid(req) && req != written_addr.wget()) begin
port_available = False;
grants[idx] = True;
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(num_clients); i=i+1) begin
if (reqs[i].wget() matches tagged Valid .req &&&
!mem_ops_conflict(conflict_in.wget(), reqs[i].wget()) &&&
!done) begin
done = True;
grant[i] = True;
portB_grant <= grants;
// If we granted a request, the grantee becomes the lowest
// priority client for the next round of requests. If nobody
// requested anything, keep the same priority as before.
if (any(id, grants))
priority_vec <= rotateR(grants);
grants <= grant;
// External interface
Vector#(num_clients, MemArbiterServer#(addr)) _ifcs = newVector();
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(num_clients); i=i+1)
_ifcs[i] = (interface MemArbiterServer#(addr);
method request = reqs[i].wset;
method grant = grants[i];
interface MemArbiterServer cpu;
method request = cpu_req.wset;
method grant = cpu_ok;
interface MemArbiterServer debugger;
method request = debugger_req.wset;
method grant = debugger_ok;
interface MemArbiterServer palette;
method Action request(addr);
interface ports = _ifcs;
method conflict = conflict_in.wset;
method MemArbiterOp#(addr) granted_op() if (granted_op_out.wget() matches tagged Valid .op);
return op;
method grant = palette_ok;
interface MemArbiterServer tile1;
method request = portB_req[0].wset;
method grant = portB_grant[0];
typedef struct {
Vector#(n, Bool) grant_vec;
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) granted_op;
} GrantResult#(numeric type n, type addr) deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
interface MemArbiterServer tile2;
method request = portB_req[1].wset;
method grant = portB_grant[1];
// select_grant computes which one entry of requests should be
// granted. Priority order is descending starting from
// requests[hipri].
function GrantResult#(n, addr) select_grant(Vector#(n, Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr))) requests,
UInt#(TLog#(n)) hipri,
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) conflict)
provisos (Eq#(addr));
interface MemArbiterServer sprite;
method request = portB_req[2].wset;
method grant = portB_grant[2];
function onehot(idx);
let ret = replicate(False);
ret[idx] = True;
return ret;
function GrantResult#(n, addr) do_fold(GrantResult#(n, addr) acc,
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(addr))) next);
match {.idx, .mreq} = next;
if (mreq matches tagged Valid .req &&& acc.granted_op matches tagged Invalid &&& !mem_ops_conflict(conflict, mreq))
return GrantResult{
grant_vec: onehot(idx),
granted_op: tagged Valid req
// Previous grant won, not requesting, or request not satisfiable.
return acc;
let in = zip(map(fromInteger, genVector()), requests);
let rot = rotateBy(in, fromInteger(valueOf(n)-1)-hipri+1);
let seed = GrantResult{
grant_vec: replicate(False),
granted_op: tagged Invalid
return foldl(do_fold, seed, rot);
module mkRoundRobinMemArbiter(MemArbiter#(num_clients, addr))
provisos (Bits#(addr, _),
Min#(num_clients, 1, 1));
Vector#(num_clients, RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr))) reqs <- replicateM(mkRWire);
Wire#(Vector#(num_clients, Bool)) grants <- mkBypassWire();
RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) conflict_in <- mkRWire();
RWire#(MemArbiterOp#(addr)) granted_op_out <- mkRWire();
// high_prio is the index of the client that should be first in
// line to receive access. Every time we grant access to a client,
// the one after that in sequence becomes high_prio in the next
// round.
Reg#(UInt#(TLog#(num_clients))) high_prio <- mkReg(0);
function Maybe#(_t) get_mreq(RWire#(_t) w);
return w.wget();
rule grant;
let in = map(get_mreq, reqs);
let res = select_grant(in, high_prio, conflict_in.wget());
grants <= res.grant_vec;
if (res.granted_op matches tagged Valid .op) begin
high_prio <= validValue(findElem(True, rotateR(res.grant_vec)));
Vector#(num_clients, MemArbiterServer#(addr)) _ifcs = newVector();
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(num_clients); i=i+1)
_ifcs[i] = (interface MemArbiterServer#(addr);
method request = reqs[i].wset;
method grant = grants[i];
interface ports = _ifcs;
method conflict = conflict_in.wset;
method MemArbiterOp#(addr) granted_op() if (granted_op_out.wget() matches tagged Valid .op);
return op;

View File

@ -14,282 +14,307 @@ typedef UInt#(4) Addr;
typedef struct {
String name;
Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) cpu;
Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) debugger;
Maybe#(Addr) palette;
Maybe#(Addr) tile1;
Maybe#(Addr) tile2;
Maybe#(Addr) sprite;
Vector#(6, Bool) want;
} TestCase deriving (Bits, Eq);
Vector#(n, Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr))) reqs;
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) conflict;
function Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) rwRead(Addr addr);
return tagged Valid MemArbiterWrite{write: False, addr: addr};
Vector#(n, Bool) want_grants;
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) want_granted_op;
} TestCase#(numeric type n) deriving (Bits, Eq);
function Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) read(Addr addr);
return tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: False, addr: addr};
function Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) rwWrite(Addr addr);
return tagged Valid MemArbiterWrite{write: True, addr: addr};
function Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) write(Addr addr);
return tagged Valid MemArbiterOp{write: True, addr: addr};
function Maybe#(Addr) read(Addr addr);
return tagged Valid addr;
function Maybe#(t) idle();
function Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) idle();
return tagged Invalid;
function Vector#(6, Bool) grant(Integer granted_a, Integer granted_b);
let ret = replicate(False);
if (granted_a >= 0)
ret[granted_a] = True;
if (granted_b >= 0)
ret[granted_b+3] = True;
return ret;
function Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) noConflict();
return tagged Invalid;
function TestCase testCase(String name,
Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) cpu,
Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) debugger,
Maybe#(Addr) palette,
Maybe#(Addr) tile1,
Maybe#(Addr) tile2,
Maybe#(Addr) sprite,
Integer portA,
Integer portB);
function Vector#(n, Bool) grant(Integer granted);
function gen(idx);
return idx == granted;
return genWith(gen);
function Vector#(n, Bool) noGrant();
return replicate(False);
function TestCase#(n) testCase(String name,
Vector#(n, Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr))) reqs,
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) conflict,
Vector#(n, Bool) want_grants,
Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) want_granted_op);
return TestCase{
name: name,
cpu: cpu,
debugger: debugger,
palette: palette,
tile1: tile1,
tile2: tile2,
sprite: sprite,
want: grant(portA, portB)
reqs: reqs,
conflict: conflict,
want_grants: want_grants,
want_granted_op: want_granted_op
module mkTB();
Vector#(29, TestCase) tests = vec(
testCase("All idle",
idle, idle, idle,
idle, idle, idle,
-1, -1),
interface TB;
method Action start();
(* always_ready *)
method Bool done();
// Single client accesses at a time
testCase("CPU read", rwRead(1), idle, idle,
idle, idle, idle,
0, -1),
testCase("CPU write", rwWrite(1), idle, idle,
idle, idle, idle,
0, -1),
testCase("Debugger read",
idle, rwRead(1), idle,
idle, idle, idle,
1, -1),
testCase("Debugger write",
idle, rwWrite(1), idle,
idle, idle, idle,
1, -1),
testCase("Palette read",
idle, idle, read(1),
idle, idle, idle,
2, -1),
testCase("Tile1 read",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), idle, idle,
-1, 0),
testCase("Tile2 read",
idle, idle, idle,
idle, read(1), idle,
-1, 1),
testCase("Sprite read",
idle, idle, idle,
idle, idle, read(1),
-1, 2),
module mkArbiterTB(MemArbiter#(n, Addr) dut, Vector#(m, TestCase#(n)) tests, TB ifc);
let cycles <- mkCycleCounter();
// Strict priority on port A
testCase("CPU + Debugger + Palette",
rwRead(1), rwRead(2), read(3),
idle, idle, idle,
0, -1),
testCase("CPU + Palette",
rwRead(1), idle, read(3),
idle, idle, idle,
0, -1),
testCase("Debugger + Palette",
idle, rwRead(2), read(3),
idle, idle, idle,
1, -1),
Reg#(Bit#(TLog#(m))) idx <- mkReg(0);
Reg#(Bool) running <- mkReg(False);
// Round-robin on port B
testCase("Sprite read", // to reset round robin
idle, idle, idle,
idle, idle, read(1),
-1, 2),
testCase("Tile1 + Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), read(2), read(3),
-1, 0),
testCase("Tile1 + Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), read(2), read(3),
-1, 1),
testCase("Tile1 + Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), read(2), read(3),
-1, 2),
testCase("Tile1 + Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), read(2), read(3),
-1, 0),
testCase("Tile1 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
read(1), idle, read(3),
-1, 2),
testCase("Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
idle, read(2), read(3),
-1, 1),
testCase("Tile2 + Sprite",
idle, idle, idle,
idle, read(2), read(3),
-1, 2),
// Inter-port conflicts
testCase("Read/read, no conflict",
rwRead(0), idle, idle,
read(0), idle, idle,
0, 0),
testCase("Write/read, no conflict",
rwWrite(1), idle, idle,
read(0), idle, idle,
0, 0),
testCase("Tile1 write conflict",
rwWrite(0), idle, idle,
read(0), idle, idle,
0, -1),
testCase("Tile2 write conflict",
rwWrite(0), idle, idle,
idle, read(0), idle,
0, -1),
testCase("Sprite write conflict",
rwWrite(0), idle, idle,
idle, idle, read(0),
0, -1),
testCase("Tile1 write conflict with debugger",
idle, rwWrite(0), idle,
read(0), idle, idle,
1, -1),
testCase("Sprite read", // to reset round robin
idle, idle, idle,
idle, idle, read(1),
-1, 2),
testCase("CPU write conflict, other port feasible",
rwWrite(0), idle, idle,
read(0), read(1), idle,
0, 1),
testCase("CPU write conflict, conflict resolved",
idle, idle, idle,
read(0), idle, idle,
-1, 0));
MemArbiter#(Addr) dut <- mkMemArbiter();
Reg#(UInt#(32)) idx <- mkReg(0);
rule display_test (idx == 0);
$display("RUN TestMemArbiter");
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(n); i=i+1) begin
rule request (running && isValid(tests[idx].reqs[i]));
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_cpu (tests[idx].cpu matches tagged Valid .req);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_debugger (tests[idx].debugger matches tagged Valid .req);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_palette (tests[idx].palette matches tagged Valid .addr);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_tile1 (tests[idx].tile1 matches tagged Valid .addr);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_tile2 (tests[idx].tile2 matches tagged Valid .addr);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule input_sprite (tests[idx].sprite matches tagged Valid .addr);
function Fmt rw_str(Maybe#(MemArbiterWrite#(Addr)) v);
case (v) matches
tagged Valid .req: begin
if (req.write)
return $format("Write(%0d)", req.addr);
return $format("Read(%0d) ", req.addr);
tagged Invalid: return $format("Idle ");
function Fmt ro_str(Maybe#(Addr) v);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule forbid (running && isValid(tests[idx].conflict));
Wire#(Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr))) got_granted_op <- mkDWire(tagged Invalid);
(* fire_when_enabled *)
rule collect_granted_op (running);
got_granted_op <= tagged Valid dut.granted_op();
function Fmt req_s(Maybe#(MemArbiterOp#(Addr)) v);
case (v) matches
tagged Valid .addr: return $format("Read(%0d) ", addr);
tagged Invalid: return $format("Idle");
tagged Valid .req &&& req.write: return $format("Write(%0d)", req.addr);
tagged Valid .req: return $format("Read(%0d)", req.addr);
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule check_grants;
Vector#(6, Bool) gotVec = newVector;
gotVec[0] = dut.cpu.grant();
gotVec[1] = dut.debugger.grant();
gotVec[2] = dut.palette.grant();
gotVec[3] = dut.tile1.grant();
gotVec[4] = dut.tile2.grant();
gotVec[5] = dut.sprite.grant();
rule check (running);
let test = tests[idx];
let got = pack(reverse(gotVec));
let want = pack(reverse(test.want));
let reqs = test.reqs;
let want_grants = test.want_grants;
let want_granted_op = test.want_granted_op;
Vector#(n, Bool) got_grants = newVector;
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(n); i=i+1)
got_grants[i] = dut.ports[i].grant();
$display("RUN %s (%0d)",, idx+1);
if (got != want) begin
$display(" input: ",
"0:", rw_str(test.cpu), " 1:", rw_str(test.debugger), " 2:", ro_str(test.palette),
" 3:", ro_str(test.tile1), " 4:", ro_str(test.tile2), " 5:", ro_str(test.sprite));
$display(" got : %03b %03b", got[5:3], got[2:0]);
$display(" want : %03b %03b", want[5:3], want[2:0]);
dynamicAssert(got == want, "wrong arbiter output");
$display("RUN %s (%0d)", tests[idx].name, idx);
if (got_grants != want_grants || got_granted_op != want_granted_op) begin
for (Integer i=0; i<valueOf(n); i=i+1)
$display(" ", $format("%0d", i), ": ", req_s(reqs[i]));
$display(" conflict: ", fshow(test.conflict));
$display(" output:");
$display(" grants: ", fshow(got_grants));
$display(" granted: ", fshow(got_granted_op));
$display(" want grants: ", fshow(tests[idx].want_grants));
$display(" want granted: ", fshow(want_granted_op));
dynamicAssert(False, "wrong arbiter output");
dynamicAssert(cycles == 1, "arbiter took more than 0 cycles");
$display("OK %s", tests[idx].name);
if (idx == fromInteger(valueOf(m)-1))
running <= False;
$display("OK %s",;
idx <= idx+1;
(* no_implicit_conditions, fire_when_enabled *)
rule advance_test;
let next = idx+1;
let max = fromInteger(arrayLength(vectorToArray(tests)));
if (next == max) begin
$display("OK TestMemArbiter");
idx <= next;
method Action start() if (!running && idx == 0);
running <= True;
method Bool done();
return !running && idx != 0;
module mkTB(Empty);
// Strict arbiter
let strictTests = vec(
// Simple grants
testCase("All idle",
vec(idle, idle, idle), noConflict,
noGrant, noConflict),
testCase("Port 0 read",
vec(read(1), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0 write",
vec(write(1), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), write(1)),
testCase("Port 1 read",
vec(idle, read(1), idle), noConflict,
grant(1), read(1)),
testCase("Port 1 write",
vec(idle, write(1), idle), noConflict,
grant(1), write(1)),
testCase("Port 2 read",
vec(idle, idle, read(1)), noConflict,
grant(2), read(1)),
testCase("Port 2 write",
vec(idle, idle, write(1)), noConflict,
grant(2), write(1)),
// Priorities
testCase("Port 0+1",
vec(read(1), read(2), idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+2",
vec(read(1), idle, read(2)), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 1+2",
vec(idle, read(1), read(2)), noConflict,
grant(1), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3)), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2, overruled writes",
vec(read(1), write(1), write(2)), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
// Forbidden addrs
testCase("Port 0 read-write denied",
vec(read(1), read(2), idle), write(1),
grant(1), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0 write-write denied",
vec(write(1), read(2), idle), write(1),
grant(1), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0 write-read denied",
vec(write(1), read(2), idle), read(1),
grant(1), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0 no addr match",
vec(write(2), idle, idle), write(1),
grant(0), write(2)),
testCase("Port 0 denied, no alternatives",
vec(write(1), idle, idle), write(1),
noGrant, noConflict)
MemArbiter#(3, Addr) strict <- mkPriorityMemArbiter();
let strictTB <- mkArbiterTB(strict, strictTests);
// Round-robin arbiter
let rrTests = vec(
// Simple grants
testCase("All idle",
vec(idle, idle, idle, idle), noConflict,
noGrant, noConflict),
testCase("Port 0 read",
vec(read(1), idle, idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0 write",
vec(write(1), idle, idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), write(1)),
testCase("Port 1 read",
vec(idle, read(1), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(1), read(1)),
testCase("Port 1 write",
vec(idle, write(1), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(1), write(1)),
testCase("Port 2 read",
vec(idle, idle, read(1), idle), noConflict,
grant(2), read(1)),
testCase("Port 2 write",
vec(idle, idle, write(1), idle), noConflict,
grant(2), write(1)),
testCase("Port 3 read",
vec(idle, idle, idle, read(1)), noConflict,
grant(3), read(1)),
testCase("Port 3 write",
vec(idle, idle, idle, write(1)), noConflict,
grant(3), write(1)),
// Priorities
testCase("Port 3 to reset RR",
vec(idle, idle, idle, read(1)), noConflict,
grant(3), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1 #1",
vec(read(1), read(2), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1 #2",
vec(read(1), read(2), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(1), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0+1 #3",
vec(read(1), read(2), idle, idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+2 #1",
vec(read(1), idle, read(2), idle), noConflict,
grant(2), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0+2 #2",
vec(read(1), idle, read(2), idle), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2+3 #1",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3), read(4)), noConflict,
grant(1), read(2)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2+3 #2",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3), read(4)), noConflict,
grant(2), read(3)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2+3 #3",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3), read(4)), noConflict,
grant(3), read(4)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2+3 #4",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3), read(4)), noConflict,
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("Port 0+1+2+3 #5",
vec(read(1), read(2), read(3), read(4)), noConflict,
grant(1), read(2)),
// Forbidden addrs
testCase("Port 3 to reset RR",
vec(idle, idle, idle, read(1)), noConflict,
grant(3), read(1)),
testCase("RR with denied writes #1",
vec(read(1), write(2), read(3), read(4)), write(3),
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("RR with denied writes #2",
vec(read(1), write(2), read(3), read(4)), write(3),
grant(1), write(2)),
testCase("RR with denied writes #3",
vec(read(1), write(2), read(3), read(4)), write(3),
grant(3), read(4)),
testCase("RR with denied writes #4",
vec(read(1), write(2), read(3), read(4)), write(3),
grant(0), read(1)),
testCase("RR with denied writes #5",
vec(read(1), write(2), read(3), read(4)), write(3),
grant(1), write(2))
MemArbiter#(4, Addr) rr <- mkRoundRobinMemArbiter();
let rrTB <- mkArbiterTB(rr, rrTests);
mkTest("MemArbiter", seq
mkTest("MemArbiter/Strict", seq
mkTest("MemArbiter/RoundRobin", seq

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package VRAM;
package VRAMCore;
import Connectable::*;
import GetPut::*;
import ClientServer::*;
import DReg::*;
@ -15,11 +16,12 @@ import ECP5_RAM::*;
export VRAMAddr;
export VRAMData;
export mkVRAM;
export VRAMRequest;
export VRAMResponse;
export VRAMClient;
export VRAMServer;
export VRAM;
export VRAMCore;
export mkVRAMCore;
typedef Bit#(8) VRAMData;
@ -133,30 +135,30 @@ typedef struct {
typedef Server#(VRAMRequest, VRAMResponse) VRAMServer;
typedef Client#(VRAMRequest, VRAMResponse) VRAMClient;
interface VRAM;
interface VRAMCore;
interface VRAMServer portA;
interface VRAMServer portB;
// mkVRAM creates a dual port VRAM of the specified size, using ECP5
// EBR memory primitives. The memory size must be a multiple of 4KiB,
// with a maximum of 128KiB.
// mkVRAMCore creates a dual port VRAM of the specified size, using
// ECP5 EBR memory primitives. The memory size must be a multiple of
// 4KiB, with a maximum of 128KiB.
// The returned VRAM servers implement flow control. As long as
// The returned VRAMCore servers implement flow control. As long as
// responses are processed as soon as they're available, each port can
// process one memory operation per cycle.
// The VRAM does not prevent write-write or write-read conflicts
// The VRAMCore does not prevent write-write or write-read conflicts
// between the ports. The outcome of a simultaneous write to the same
// address is unspecified, as is the read output in a simultaneous
// read and write of the same address. The caller must use external
// arbitration to avoid such accesses.
module mkVRAM(Integer num_kilobytes, VRAM ifc);
module mkVRAMCore(Integer num_kilobytes, VRAMCore ifc);
if (num_kilobytes > 128)
error("maximum VRAM size is 128KiB");
error("maximum VRAMCore size is 128KiB");
let num_bytes = num_kilobytes*1024;
if (num_bytes % 4096 != 0)
error("VRAM must be a multiple of 4096b");
error("VRAMCore must be a multiple of 4096b");
let num_byterams = num_bytes/4096;
let num_arrays = ceil(fromInteger(num_byterams) / 8);