--- gitea: none include_toc: true --- # Audio & Video The VERA FPGA core, implemented on an iCE40 FPGA, is used to generate all audio and video signals produced by Sentinel 65X. This core, developed for the Commander X16 project by Frank van den Hoef, is licensed under the MIT license. It has been modified by Brian Swetland for Sentinel 65X, including porting it to be built using the Yosys open-source FPGA toolchain. ## Video The VERA video generator outputs a fixed 640x480, 60Hz digital RGB signal, with a total of 4,096 possible colours, using a 12-bit R4G4B4 colour space. The video generation is done using two independent tile/bitmap layers, and a third layer composed of 128 sprites. VERA supports a single palette of 256 colours, freely chosen from the 4,096 possible colours available. ## Audio The VERA FPGA core produces audio output in i2S format, which is fed to the A/V port for conversion into an analog or digital format suitable for the target display device. Audio is generated using a 16-voice stereo programmable sound generator, with each voice able to generate sounds independently, with the waveform for each chosen freely from among Pulse, Sawtooth, Triangle, and Noise. VERA also generates sampled 48KHz 16-bit stereo audio from a 4KB on-chip memory buffer. ## Interrupts The VERA implementation in Sentinel 65X has a dedicated vectored interrupt line to the CPU, which can be triggered by any or all of four conditions: Sprite collision, line number, PCM buffer status, or VSYNC. ## The Sentinel 65X A/V Port Audio and video output in Sentinel 65X is directed to a pin header, which is connected to a small daughterboard which actually generates the final audio and video output signals, using electronics and connectors appropriate to the target display. ### Pinout The A/V port is a 24-pin female pin header, with a pin and row pitch of 2.54mm. The pinout of the port, as seen from above, is shown in the following table: | Pin | Label | | Label | Pin | | :---: | :-----: | --- | :----: | :---: | | 1 | +3.3V | | +5V | 2 | | 3 | HSYNC | | VSYNC | 4 | | 5 | RGB_R0 | | RGB_R1 | 6 | | 7 | RGB_R2 | | RGB_R3 | 8 | | 9 | RGB_G0 | | RGB_G1 | 10 | | 11 | RGB_G2 | | RGB_G3 | 12 | | 13 | RGB_B0 | | RGB_B1 | 14 | | 15 | RGB_B2 | | RGB_B3 | 16 | | 17 | LRCK | | BCK | 18 | | 19 | ADATA | | SYSCLK | 20 | | 21 | SCL | | SDA | 22 | | 23 | GND | | GND | 24 | ## VERA Memory VERA implements 128KB of internal memory, which exists in its own independent address space, connected to the CPU's address space through address and data registers. This RAM's address space is numbered from `0x00000` to `0x1FFFF`, and is organized as in the following table: | Address Range | Description | | :-------------------: | :---------------: | | `0x00000` - `0x1F9BF` | Video RAM | | `0x1F9C0` - `0x1F9FF` | Sound Registers | | `0x1FA00` - `0x1FBFF` | Colour Palette | | `0x1FC00` - `0x1FFFF` | Sprite Attributes | ## Hardware Registers VERA is configured and controlled using a series of 32 memory-mapped I/O registers, located in the address space from `0x00DF00` to `0x00DF1F`. ### ADDRx_L The `ADDRx_L` register is actually two registers, the `ADDR0_L` and `ADDR1_L` registers. Which of the two is accessed at memory address `0x00DF00` depends on the contents of `ADDRSEL`, which is bit 0 of the `CTRL` register, located at `0x00DF05`. The `ADDR0_L` and `ADDR1_L` registers control the low byte of the selected address in VERA memory for reading or writing with the `DATA0` and `DATA1` registers, located at `0x00DF03` and `0x00DF04` respectively. ### ADDRx_M The `ADDRx_M` register is actually two registers, the `ADDR0_M` and `ADDR1_M` registers. Which of the two is accessed at memory address `0x00DF01` depends on the contents of `ADDRSEL`, which is bit 0 of the `CTRL` register, located at `0x00DF05`. The `ADDR0ML` and `ADDR1_M` registers control the middle byte of the selected address in VERA memory for reading or writing with the `DATA0` and `DATA1` registers, located at `0x00DF03` and `0x00DF04` respectively. ### ADDRx_H The `ADDRx_H` register is actually two registers, the `ADDR0_H` and `ADDR1_H` registers. Which of the two is accessed at memory address `0x00DF00` depends on the contents of `ADDRSEL`, which is bit 0 of the `CTRL` register, located at `0x00DF05`. The `ADDR0_H` and `ADDR1_H` registers control the low byte of the selected address in VERA memory for reading or writing with the `DATA0` and `DATA1` registers, located at `0x00DF03` and `0x00DF04` respectively. Bit 0 of the `ADDRx_H` is bit 16 of the address of the data port selected by `ADDRSEL`. Bits 1 and 2 of `ADDRx_H` are unused. Bit 3 is called `DECR0` or `DECR1`; when this bit is clear, the address of the selected data port will increment by the amount set with bits 4-7, called `INCR0` or `INCR1`, according to the table below. When `DECR0` or `DECR1` is set, then the address will _decrement_ by the same amount when the matching data register is read from or written to. | `INCR` value | Address Increment | | -------------: | ---------------: | | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 4 | | 4 | 8 | | 5 | 16 | | 6 | 32 | | 7 | 64 | | 8 | 128 | | 9 | 256 | | 10 | 512 | | 11 | 40 | | 12 | 80 | | 13 | 160 | | 14 | 320 | | 15 | 640 | ### DATA0 The `DATA0` register, located at `0x00DF03`, is the first of two data registers available from VERA. It reads or writes the address in VERA's internal memory set in `ADDR0_L`, `ADDR0_M`, and `ADDR0_H`. If the value in `INCR0` is nonzero, then after reading or writing from or to `DATA0`, the address stored in `ADDR0_L`, `ADDR0_M`, and `ADDR0_H` will be incremented by the number of addresses in the [table above](#addrx_h). If `DECR0` is set, then the address will _decrement_ by that amount instead. ### DATA1 `DATA1`, located at `0x00DF04`, is identical in function to `DATA0`, but uses the address and increment settings stored in `ADDR1_H` instead of `ADDR0_H`. ### CTRL The `CTRL` register, located at `0x00DF05`, contains three significant bits: bit 0, called `ADDRSEL`, determines which `DATAx` register the `ADDRx` registers refer to. Bit 1, called `DCSEL`, controls which set of registers are accessed at addresses `0x00DF09` through `0x00DF0C`. Bit 7, called `RESET`, will reset VERA to the initial power-on state when a `1` value is written to it.