work on interrupts

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Cardoza 2024-03-30 15:16:16 -04:00
parent 4df26c413d
commit 963256a5c9
2 changed files with 91 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
#define long_reg rep #0b00110000
int .macro f
ldx ##\f
cop #\f
#define libcode code

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@ -31,18 +31,92 @@ internal_stack_pointer:
.public interrupts_init
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialize the interrupt handler vectors.
.extern __program_start
lda ##.near(null_handler)
; Emulation mode interrupt vectors.
sta long:0x00FFFE
sta long:0x00FFFA
sta long:0x00FFF8
sta long:0x00FFF4
sta long:0x00FFEE
sta long:0x00FFEC
sta long:0x00FFEA
sta long:0x00FFE8
sta long:0x00FFE6
sta long:0x00FFE4
sta long:0x00FFE2
sta long:0x00FFE0
sta long:0x00FFDE
sta long:0x00FFDC
sta long:0x00FFDA
sta long:0x00FFD8
sta long:0x00FFD6
sta long:0x00FFD4
sta long:0x00FFD2
sta long:0x00FFD0
sta long:0x00FFCE
sta long:0x00FFCC
sta long:0x00FFCA
sta long:0x00FFC8
sta long:0x00FFC6
sta long:0x00FFC4
sta long:0x00FFC2
sta long:0x00FFC0
; Native mode interrupt vectors.
sta long:0x00FFB8
sta long:0x00FFB6
sta long:0x00FFAE
sta long:0x00FFAC
sta long:0x00FFAA
sta long:0x00FFA8
sta long:0x00FFA6
sta long:0x00FFA4
sta long:0x00FFA2
sta long:0x00FFA0
sta long:0x00FF9C
sta long:0x00FF9A
sta long:0x00FF98
sta long:0x00FF96
sta long:0x00FF94
sta long:0x00FF92
sta long:0x00FF92
sta long:0x00FF8E
sta long:0x00FF8C
sta long:0x00FF8A
sta long:0x00FF88
sta long:0x00FF86
sta long:0x00FF84
sta long:0x00FF82
sta long:0x00FF80
lda ##.near(__program_start)
sta long:0x00FFFC
lda ##.near(cop_handler_native)
sta long:0x00FFB4
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Null interrupt handler
; This handler intentionally does nothing. It is used to populate interrupt
; vectors that do nothing, without wasting space on multiple such functions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The COP handler is the primary interface to the kernel from user code. The
; user program loads the function number into X, and any appropriate arguments
; are loaded in a function-defined manner, and the COP interrupt (with an ignored)
; argument byte) is triggered.
@ -76,25 +150,26 @@ cop_handler_native:
; values are listed near the function itself.
; Now, we do an indirect, indexed jump through the jump table.
jmp (.kbank(cop_jump_table),x)
jmp (.kbank cop_jump_table,x)
.word .word0(cop_exit)
.word .word0(cop_get_version)
.word .word0 cop_exit
.word .word0 cop_get_version
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.extern __program_start
; Function 0: Exit
; Exit the calling program, effectively soft-rebooting the system.
; Arguments: None
; Return value: None
.extern __program_start
jmp long:__program_start
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function 0: Exit
; Function 1: Get Version Number
; Return the version number for the running kernel.