# System Calls The system API is exposed to user code using the COP interrupt. The B accumulator is loaded with a function number; the other registers are loaded with call-specific data (or nothing), and any return values are placed in the same registers. What follows is a list of the system calls, their numbers, and register arguments they take, and what if any values they return. The system API is based loosely on, but not compatible with, that of CP/M-3 and MSX-DOS 2. ## 0x00: Terminate with Error Code Arguments: C: 0x00 X: Error code Return Values: This call does not return. This call exits the calling program, setting the exit status code for the system on its way out. Program control will be returned to the command shell. ## 0x01: Console Input Arguments: C: 0x01 Return Values: C: Character read from stdin This call reads one character from standard input. If there is no character ready, this call waits until there is one. The read character will also be echoed to the screen, just as if it had been passed to the Console Output call. This call traps certain sequences of characters for "terminal control" purposes. When this call traps such a character, it outputs nothing an continues waiting for another character to be ready. ## 0x02: Console Output Arguments: C: 0x02 X: Character to output Return Values: None This call sends a single chracter to the standard output, which is usually the terminal emulator. The character will be parsed by the terminal emulator to handle control characters and escape sequences. ## 0x03: Direct Console Input Arguments: C: 0x03 Return Values: C: Character value or NULL This call does direct (raw) console input; if there is a character ready, it will be read, and if not, NULL will be returned. ## 0x04: Direct Console Output Arguments: C: 0x04 X: Character value Return Values: None This call does direct (raw) console output; the value supplied will be treated as the value to write to screen memory, and will not be interpreted for terminal control. ## 0x05: String Output Arguments: C: 0x05 X: Address of string (15:0) Y: Address of string (23:16) Return Values: None This call uses the 0x02 call "Console Output" above to send a NULL-terminated string to stdout. ## 0x06: Buffered Line Input Arguments: C: 0x06 X: Address of buffer (15:0) Y: Address of buffer (23:16) Return values: C: Status code This call will read up to 255 characters from stdin, or up to the first newline, whichever comes first. While taking input, a simple line editor is presented to the user. When the 255th character has been entered into the buffer, any further input will be ignored until a newline is entered. The newline in the resulting buffer will be replaced with a NULL to terminate the string. ## 0x07: Console Status Arguments: C: 0x07 Return Values: C: Status Code This call checks stdin for a character to read. If there is none, this call will return zero in C; if there is a character ready, it will return nonzero in C. ## 0x08: Return Version Number Arguments: C: 0x08 Return Values: C: Major version X: Minor version Y: Micro version This call returns the version number of the kernel. ## 0x09: Get Date Arguments: C: 0x09 X: Bank of buffer Y: Address of buffer Return Values: None This call fills in the specified buffer with the current date, in the following format: struct { uint16_t year // Current year uint8_t month; // 1 = January..12 = December uint8_t day; // 1..31 uint8_t weekday; // 0 = Sunday..6=Saturday } ## 0x0A: Set Date Arguments: C: 0x0A X: Bank of buffer Y: Address of buffer Return Values: C: Status code Argument Structure: struct { uint16_t year // Current year uint8_t month; // 1 = January..12 = December uint8_t day; // 1..31 uint8_t weekday; // 0 = Sunday..6=Saturday }; This call sets the system date from the data in the argument structure. ## 0x0B: Get Time Arguments: C: 0x0B X: Bank of buffer Y: Address of buffer Return Values: C: Status code Argument Structure: struct { uint8_t hour; // 0..23 uint8_t minute; // 0..59 uint8_t second; // 0..59 }; This call fills in the specified argument structure with the current time. ## 0x0C: Set Time Arguments: C: 0x0C X: Bank of argument structure Y: Address of buffer Return Values: C: Status code Argument Structure: struct { uint8_t hour; // 0..23 uint8_t minute; // 0..59 uint8_t second; // 0..59 }; This call sets the current time from the provided argument structure. ## 0x0D: Open File Arguments: C: 0x0D X: Bank of pathname string Y: Address of pathname string Return Values: C: Status code X: File handle This call attempts to open the file referred to by the provided NULL-terminated string, which must contain a fully-qualified pathname -- something of the form `[drive]:/[dir]/[dir2]/filename.ext`, such as `sd0:/games/kaboom/readme.ansi`. If the file is successfully opened, the C accumulator will contain STATUS_OK, and the X register will contain the file handle. On error, the C accumulator will contain a negative value indicating which error has occured. ## 0x0E: Close File Arguments: C: 0x0E X: File handle Return Values: C: Status code This call attempts to close the file referred to by the provided file handle. On success, the C accumulator will contain a status code of STATUS_OK. On error, the C accumulator will contain a negative value, indicating an error has occured. ## 0x0F: Duplicate File Handle Arguments: C: 0x0F X: File handle Return Values: C: Status code X: Duplicate of file handle This call attempts to duplicate the provided file handle. The new file handle will be exactly identical to the provided one, and either may be used at any time. On success, the C accumulator will contain a status code of STATUS_OK, and the X register will contain the duplicate file handle. On error, the C accumulator will contain a negative value, indicating an error has occured. ## 0x10: Read from File Handle Arguments: C: 0x10 X: Bank of argument block Y: Address of argument block Return Values: C: Status code X: Number of bytes actually read Argument block structure: struct { void *dest; // Pointer to the buffer to use. uint16_t file; // File handle. size_t length; // Maximum number of bytes to read. }; This call attempts to read up to `length` bytes from the file handle `file`, into the buffer pointed to by `dest`. On success, the C accumulator will contain STATUS_OK, and the X register will contain the number of bytes actually read. On error, the C accumulator will contain a negative value indicating the specific error, and the X register will contain the number of bytes actually read.